Mary Buchinger
Last night I prayed the trees’ prayer
and the trees came
to live with me
crown canopy bower
through my living room
my kitchen a forest
yes they brought beetles
ravens and the north wind
but I was glad of them
pulsing with leaves
Deliver us prayed the trees
Ants on the Windowsill
Two ants touch antennae
as they appraise
the body of a dead ant
how to carry it?
where to put this body?
they have to decide
with the dead ant length-wise
between them
they face each other
each lifts one end
then walks sideways
holding it off the ground
they maneuver it
to the space between
the screen and sill
and set it down
they rest a sec
catch their breath
then hoist the body
into the air
slipping it
into a crevice
away from the public eye
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Mary Buchinger, whose recent books include Navigating the Reach (2024 Massachusetts Book Award Honors, Salmon Poetry), The Book of Shores, and Virology (Lily Poetry Review Books), teaches at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Her poetry appears in AGNI, Plume, Salamander, Salt Hill, and Seneca Review. If you’re looking for her, check the woods.